Doll House Porject by FashiOn department second Y
The dollhouse is a conceptual group project of Second Year Fashion students. It takes a digital form of a website. In these times of isolation it could feel sometimes like we’re living a movie or a dream or a simulation. We decided that a virtual world could be a platform for now to show our work collectively. The depersonalisation is there, the solitude is there, the unsettling feeling about future. Is it Tuesday in the Matrix too? Are you spending all your conscious time indoors, exploring the homemade aesthetics and vibes, maybe being trapped in a Bermuda Triangle of Netflix, bread baking and FaceTime calls? As relationships become virtual and distant, there’s a focus on home activities and maintenance. Imaginary friends make up for boredom, self editing experiments with lead to realisations. Chairs wear clothes and there are fashion shows in the donation box in the basement. How to make a dollhouse? Take nine students stuck at home, stir emotionally with unfinished projects and expectations, upload online seeking gratitude and/or satisfaction. Notion of playfulness is added to the mix. No creepy dolls required. Sweeten intuitionally and decorate with fresh questions. What’s the difference between dollhouse and actual house, other than we can actually afford the fist one? Why study fashion when you can suffer from a deadly new virus? What are you gonna do with all the time? What do you do when you can’t do fashion? We build the dollhouse to share whatever we are into right now. It’s our house, our real experience of fishing for solutions. The project is assembled from visual research and 2d/3d results of it. Collective part is an open to lead you to individual projects of students. Why build a dollhouse? It’s small, makes no architectural sense but it lets you experience space differently. Dollhouse is a platform to host ideas of each one of us that you can safely visit and revisit thanks to internet connection that represents our group’s actual connection.
Launching date of the website is tba, probably a few days before the 16th of June assessments. Prior to website land there will be teasers on social media.

Key words (tags) :
Family members, furniture dance, hair tutorial, art of maintenance, childhood outfits, family of houseplants, balcony gazing, pillow talks with toys, stains and molds, domestic aesthetic , doors open/closed , fiction , fabulation , collections, gardening, basement, dream diary, clothes, self-care, image control, emotional exhibtionism, self-reflection, intuitive madness, purge, virtual bodies, (…)